The Boston Globe

Paramilitary groups still spread terror among Colombia's people

Dec 5 -- The Colombian government insists that paramilitary gangs are extinct. Try telling that to Antonio Domingo, a poor Afro-Colombian who was rousted from his home in the dead of night in August and told to leave town or be killed.

5 de diciembre de 2008

Antonio, 30, who declined to give his last name for fear of reprisal, said armed and uniformed fighters who identified themselves as members of a paramilitary force called the Black Eagles gave residents minutes to leave San Jose, their Pacific Coast hamlet.

"We had furniture, chickens, yucca and plantains, but lost it all," said Antonio, interviewed at a camp for displaced people outside this port town in the southwestern state of Narino. "They killed a friend of mine in front of us for no reason, maybe to make a point."

Read the full article here.