



After almost a year

11 de octubre de 2011

In 2010 Halloween night, Luis Andres Colmenares, a university student and the son of the Subcomptroller of Colombia, was found dead in the park El Virrey, one of the most important of Bogotá. At first Laura Milena Moreno Ramirez and Yesi Mercedes Quintero Moreno, two fellow students that were with Colmenares that night, said that he disappeared. The authorities thought it was due to a suicide, but the Colmenares family didn’t believe it, and they hired private detectives. Because of the bruises found on his face and his body, the authorities have just dismissed the suicide thesis. Although the investigation of the case lasted nearly a year, it was not until Thursday night that were captured Laura Moreno and Yesi Quintero. According to the Attorneys office there is "strong evidence" that allow them to infer that these two women participated in the murder of Colmenares.